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Simple Proxy • Example

Simple Proxy is a runnable example Go project that showcases all the basic features of Gate. You can use this project as a template for your own Gate plugins.

Running the Simple Proxy

git clone
cd gate/.examples/extend/simple-proxy
go run .

Run any Minecraft backend server

You must run a backend server to actually join the game and see Simple Proxy in action. Open a new terminal and start a Minecraft server:

cd .examples/simple-network/server1
java -jar *.jar -nogui

Join the proxy at localhost:25565.

Learning Task

If you change code in the Simple Proxy project, you must restart the proxy to see the changes. (press CTRL+C to stop the proxy)

Add a /playerinfo command to the proxy that prints the player details like username and play duration.

package examples

import (


// call this in your plugin init function
func initPlayerInfo(p *proxy.Proxy) {

func registerPlayerInfoCommand(p *proxy.Proxy) {

func playerInfoCommand() brigodier.LiteralNodeBuilder {
	return brigodier.Literal("playerinfo").
		Executes(command.Command(func(c *command.Context) error {
			player, ok := c.Source.(proxy.Player)
			if !ok {
				return c.SendMessage(&component.Text{Content: "Only players can use this command."})
			return c.SendMessage(playerInfo(player))

func playerInfo(p proxy.Player) *component.Text {
	joinTime := state.joinTime[p.ID()]

	msg := fmt.Sprintf("Your name is %s and you joined %s",
		p.Username(), time.Since(joinTime).Round(time.Second))

	return &component.Text{Content: msg}

func subscribeJoinTime(p *proxy.Proxy) {
	event.Subscribe(p.Event(), math.MaxInt, saveJoinTime)
	event.Subscribe(p.Event(), math.MinInt, deleteJoinTime)

var state = struct {
	joinTime map[uuid.UUID]time.Time
	joinTime: make(map[uuid.UUID]time.Time),

func saveJoinTime(e *proxy.PostLoginEvent) {
	defer state.Unlock()
	state.joinTime[e.Player().ID()] = time.Now()

func deleteJoinTime(e *proxy.DisconnectEvent) {
	defer state.Unlock()
	delete(state.joinTime, e.Player().ID())


You can check out the project on GitHub.

// Simple example embedding and extending Gate.
package main

import (

	. ""

func main() {
	// Add our "plug-in" to be initialized on Gate start.
	proxy.Plugins = append(proxy.Plugins, proxy.Plugin{
		Name: "SimpleProxy",
		Init: func(ctx context.Context, proxy *proxy.Proxy) error {
			return newSimpleProxy(proxy).init()

	// Execute Gate entrypoint and block until shutdown.
	// We could also run gate.Start if we don't need Gate's command-line.

// SimpleProxy is a simple proxy to showcase some features of Gate.
// In this example:
//   - Add a `/broadcast` command
//   - Send a message when player switches the server
//   - Show boss bars to players
type SimpleProxy struct {

var legacyCodec = &legacy.Legacy{Char: legacy.AmpersandChar}

func newSimpleProxy(proxy *proxy.Proxy) *SimpleProxy {
	return &SimpleProxy{
		Proxy: proxy,

// initialize our sample proxy
func (p *SimpleProxy) init() error {
	return nil

// Register a proxy-wide commands (can be run while being on any server)
func (p *SimpleProxy) registerCommands() {
	// Registers the "/broadcast" command
		// Adds message argument as in "/broadcast <message>"
		brigodier.Argument("message", brigodier.StringPhrase).
			// Adds completion suggestions as in "/broadcast [suggestions]"
				c *command.Context,
				b *brigodier.SuggestionsBuilder,
			) *brigodier.Suggestions {
				player, ok := c.Source.(proxy.Player)
				if ok {
					b.Suggest("&oI am &6&l" + player.Username())
				b.Suggest("Hello world!")

				// We can also order suggestion based on the current input and sort them.
				// The slice provides available suggestion candidates.
				//return suggest.Similar(b, []string{"FirstTry", "SecondTry"}).Build()

				return b.Build()
			// Executed when running "/broadcast <message>"
			Executes(command.Command(func(c *command.Context) error {
				// Colorize/format message
				message, err := legacyCodec.Unmarshal([]byte(c.String("message")))
				if err != nil {
					return c.Source.SendMessage(&Text{
						Content: fmt.Sprintf("Error formatting message: %v", err)})

				// Send to all players on this proxy
				for _, player := range p.Players() {
					// Send message in new goroutine to not block
					// this loop if any player has a slow connection.
					go func(p proxy.Player) { _ = p.SendMessage(message) }(player)
				return nil
		Executes(command.Command(func(c *command.Context) error {
			player, ok := c.Source.(proxy.Player)
			if !ok {
				return c.Source.SendMessage(&Text{Content: "Pong!"})
			return player.SendMessage(&Text{
				Content: fmt.Sprintf("Pong! Your ping is %s", player.Ping()),
				S:       Style{Color: color.Green},

func titleCommand() brigodier.LiteralNodeBuilder {
	showTitle := command.Command(func(c *command.Context) error {
		player, ok := c.Source.(proxy.Player)
		if !ok {
			return c.Source.SendMessage(&Text{Content: "You must be a player to run this command."})

		ti, err := legacyCodec.Unmarshal([]byte(c.String("title")))
		if err != nil {
			return player.SendMessage(&Text{
				Content: fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing title: %v", err),

		// empty if arg not provided
		subtitle, err := legacyCodec.Unmarshal([]byte(c.String("subtitle")))
		if err != nil {
			return player.SendMessage(&Text{
				Content: fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing title: %v", err),

		return title.ShowTitle(player, &title.Options{
			Title:    ti,
			Subtitle: subtitle,

	return brigodier.Literal("title").
		Then(brigodier.Argument("title", brigodier.String).Executes(showTitle).
			Then(brigodier.Argument("subtitle", brigodier.StringPhrase).Executes(showTitle)))

// Register event subscribers
func (p *SimpleProxy) registerSubscribers() {
	// Send message on server switch.
	event.Subscribe(p.Event(), 0, p.onServerSwitch)

	// Change the MOTD response.
	event.Subscribe(p.Event(), 0, pingHandler())

	// Show a boss bar to all players on this proxy.
	event.Subscribe(p.Event(), 0, p.bossBarDisplay())

func (p *SimpleProxy) onServerSwitch(e *proxy.ServerPostConnectEvent) {
	newServer := e.Player().CurrentServer()
	if newServer == nil {

	_ = e.Player().SendMessage(&Text{
		S: Style{Color: color.Aqua},
		Extra: []Component{
				Content: "\nWelcome to the Gate Sample proxy!\n\n",
				S:       Style{Color: color.Green, Bold: True},
			&Text{Content: "You connected to "},
			&Text{Content: newServer.Server().ServerInfo().Name(), S: Style{Color: color.Yellow}},
			&Text{Content: "."},
				S: Style{
					ClickEvent: SuggestCommand("/broadcast Gate is awesome!"),
					HoverEvent: ShowText(&Text{Content: "/broadcast Gate is awesome!"}),
				Content: "\n\nClick me to run ",
				Extra: []Component{&Text{
					Content: "/broadcast Gate is awesome!",
					S:       Style{Color: color.White, Bold: True, Italic: True},
				Content: "\n\nClick me to run sample /title command!",
				S: Style{
					HoverEvent: ShowText(&Text{Content: "/title <title> [subtitle]"}),
					ClickEvent: SuggestCommand(`/title "&eGate greets" &2&o` + e.Player().Username()),
			&Text{Content: "\n\nMore sample commands you can try: "},
				Content: "/ping",
				S:       Style{Color: color.Yellow},

func pingHandler() func(p *proxy.PingEvent) {
	motd := &Text{Content: "Simple Proxy!\nJoin and test me."}
	return func(e *proxy.PingEvent) {
		p := e.Ping()
		p.Description = motd
		p.Players.Max = p.Players.Online + 1

func (p *SimpleProxy) bossBarDisplay() func(*proxy.PostLoginEvent) {
	// Create shared boss bar for all players
	sharedBar := bossbar.New(
		&Text{Content: "Welcome to Gate Sample proxy!", S: Style{
			Color: color.Aqua,
			Bold:  True,

	updateBossBar := func(bar bossbar.BossBar, player proxy.Player) {
		now := time.Now()
		text := &Text{Extra: []Component{
				Content: fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s! ", player.Username()),
				S:       Style{Color: color.Yellow},
				Content: fmt.Sprintf("It's %s", now.Format("15:04:05 PM")),
				S:       Style{Color: color.Gold},
		bar.SetPercent(float32(now.Second()) / 60)

	return func(e *proxy.PostLoginEvent) {
		player := e.Player()

		// Add player to shared boss bar
		_ = sharedBar.AddViewer(player)

		// Create own boss bar for player
		playerBar := bossbar.New(
		// Show it to player
		_ = playerBar.AddViewer(player)

		// Update boss bars every second until player disconnects.
		// Run in new goroutine to unblock login event handler!
		go tick(player.Context(), time.Second, func() {
			updateBossBar(playerBar, player)

// tick runs a function every interval until the context is cancelled.
func tick(ctx context.Context, interval time.Duration, fn func()) {
	ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
	defer ticker.Stop()
	for {
		select {
		case <-ticker.C:
		case <-ctx.Done():

Released under the MIT License. (web version: a6abccd8)